


Healing touch may just be what has been missing from your self-care toolbox. Healing Touch can help reset and balance the energy in and around your body. This balancing can help your body heal and perform better. The centering one receives during a session can help with calming the mind and decreasing the stress response. If you are struggling to feel like you again, then we would love to help.
Healing Touch energy therapy can help clients with anxiety, pain, depression, chronic illness and even those who have suffered past traumas.

During a session, the practitioner works with the energy centers (chakras), energy highways (meridians) and energy fields of the body. Using various hands-on and hands-off techniques, the practitioner clears and balances the clients energy. As energy balance is restored, blocked areas are able to have function restored.
Your first session involves a consultation in addition to the Healing Touch session. During the session, you lie fully clothed on a massage table surrounded by soft light and healing crystals. Your practitioner will use gentle, intentional touch to assist in balancing your physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual well-being.
The entire session generally lasts 40 to 60 minutes, and people frequently report feeling deeply relaxed and peaceful during and after the session. You have the option of using essential oil aromatherapy with your session to further enhance your healing and relaxation.
During the session, some clients feel energy moving around them or through various parts of their body, feel changes in temperature, see different colors or experience visions while others just experience relaxation. Everyone's experience with Healing Touch different and individual. Because there is a cumulative effect, Healing Touch sessions are most effective with regular follow up.
After your session you may feel relaxed, tired and even energized. You can expect to continue to feel/see changes in yourself up to 3-5 days after the session. It isn't unusual to experience emotional release and an increase in dreaming after a healing touch session. It is recommended to increase your water intake to help flush to body of toxins released from the energy field.
*Healing Touch is not massage therapy.